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Hi! I'm Martha, the creator of this complimentary sound healing download. I am happy to share this healing mp3 with you.
I am a professional opera singer as well as an Intuitive, Usui Reiki Master and channel for Divine healing energy. My mission is to inspire well-being through healing energy and the power of the human voice.
In this MP3 download, I will guide you through a sound healing experience to open your energy centers to receive abundance in all forms. I use my singing and speaking voice to tone and chant OM, mantras and channeled guidance to heal and open each of the major chakras. Healing energy streams through the sound of my speaking and singing voice. As you listen, you will receive healing energy to benefit you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I call on Spirit, the Archangel Michael and your Guides to protect you as you receive this healing experience. May this healing be for your highest and best.
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