Warm greetings!
Happy Thursday! Here's a chatty edition of the Weekly Message from Spirit featuring the "Whispers from Lord Ganesha" oracle deck by Angela Hartfield. For those of you who connect with my work, I ask the question: what is standing in your way? What obstacle needs to be moved?
Distance energy healing can certainly help in that department! I have two opportunities available right now. As of this writing, I have one spot left in May's Fabulous Five Monthly Healing Program.
If you join us, you will receive:
a recorded personal intuitive reading on what you need to know right now, delivered by May 9
small group distance healing sessions on Tuesday nights, May 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 9 p.m. Eastern. Each session lasts 60 minutes.
a Healing Report Video after each session which outlines how the session flowed for the group and includes weekly intuitive messages for the group.
The Full Moon in Scorpio Collective Distance Healing session is on Sunday night at 9 p.m. Eastern. Receive 60 minutes of distance healing, a sound healing mp3 to use during the session or anytime thereafter! You will also receive a Healing report Video on Monday that outlines how the session flowed for the group. I also include any intuitive guidance that flows through for everyone who registers.
I delight in being of service to you. Have an amazing weekend!
Many blessings,