Years ago, I was in Boulder, Colorado in late January for a workshop by the brilliant spiritual teacher Robert Ohotto. I was scheduled to meet some of my college friends after the workshop was complete. We would meet in Winter Park, Colorado.
All of us have lived in Florida for a very, very long time. Our flat sandbar of a state is surrounded by gorgeous beaches and the wondrous ocean, but devoid of ice, snow and mountains! My friends arrived in Winter Park as I was finishing my class in Boulder. They were so terrified of the trip up through the Rockies, what with the narrow turns and no guard rails on the side of the road. They called to warn me saying, "If you don't want to do this drive up the mountain, we'll completely understand."
That night, I remember waking up three times. I had absorbed my friends' terror! Even then, I was close to Archangel Michael and kept praying for guidance, whether or not I should attempt such a feat. Was it better to just stay in Boulder and play it safe? I should mention- I had never driven in snow. And I had certainly never driven in snow UP a mountain! At some point that night, I scribbled the words below on a notepad.

I was terrified, but the next morning, I decided to make the trip. I took Interstate 70 West. Once I was on US40, the terrain turned into an adventure through the Rocky Mountains that I had never experienced, particularly Berthoud Pass, which has many switchbacks at a 4.5% grade.
Was it scary? Yes. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY. The adventure was worth every bit of anxiety I had felt the night before. Driving up through the Rockies, seeing the snowfall covering what looked like thousands of Christmas was nothing short of spectacular. My eyes welled with tears, observing all the beauty. My fear turned into sheer joy. Best yet: When I arrived at the beautiful home and saw my friends, they were shocked when I said, "I kept waiting for the bad part!"
Is this story about a trip? Or is this about life? Are we not all traversing mountains or climbing mountains in our own way, day after day?
I don't think I would have had the guts to go up that mountain had it not been for the strength of my spirit and honestly, my Spirit Team. I called on Archangel Michael and the mustard seed of courage I had within me. Together, we did it.
Your spiritual strength can help you move mountains, climb and traverse them. Believe this and believe in yourself. You can do it.

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This is your opportunity for a month-long healing adventure with Spirit. Receive four, sixty minute distance healing sessions each Wednesday night at 10 p.m. Eastern time, as well as a complimentary intuitive oracle card reading delivered by video. After each healing session, you will receive a video healing report, as well as weekly information and guidance from Spirit to help you along your own mountain path! This special opportunity is only for 5 people each month and most have already claimed their spot. Members receive a discount code for 25% off all services on through February 2021. You'll be surprised what the value you receive for such a reasonable investment in yourself!
Your first Fabulous Five distance healing session is November 4. Remember, I can only accept 5 members into this valuable program and a large percentage have already claimed their spot! Register today and secure your spot in the Fabulous Five! Peace & blessings!