Warm greetings!
I have two new sound healing meditations to share today! They are on my YouTube Channel: "Open Heart" and "Give Thanks in Advance." If you need a soothing break or a lift to your vibration, these sound healing meditations are an amazing tool. I channel healing energy through the sound of my voice. The meditations will help uplift you on every level. Lay down and relax. If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel the healing energy moving through you as you listen.
If you are working on a particular issue, one "listen" may not be enough. Listen as many times you feel guided. Each time, the energy will continue to work on your behalf. Click on the images below to be taken to each meditation.
A quick reminder: The August session of the Fabulous Five Monthly Healing Program begins in one week. This group is kept to only five people. The Fabulous Five receive a 60 minute group distance healing on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. After-care is provided after each session by Healing Report Video on Wednesdays. The first session is on Tuesday, August 9. Each member receives a personal intuitive reading delivered by recorded video. I will begin working on the readings very soon. All readings will be delivered by Tuesday, August 9.
Some members are returning from the July session, so space is limited. Once all five spots are booked, my website will indicate the program is sold out. Learn more about the Fabulous Five.
The next 60 minute collective distance healing session is on Sunday, August 7. You can register in advance here. I look forward to connecting with you again on Thursday at 10 a.m. Eastern. That's when you can expect the next edition of the "Weekly Message from Spirit."
Have an amazing day!