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My eyes were too big for my head!

Writer's picture: Love Light VoiceLove Light Voice

Updated: Jan 22, 2021

Warm greetings! If I were to show you a baby picture of me, you might be startled to notice that my eyes were too big for my head. My eyes were huge. As an adult, I remember looking at my picture and thinking- "Wow! I kind of look like an owl!"

Recently, my 82 year old mother (who also has big eyes!) asked me to take her to the store to shop for a few things. During the shopping trip, I kept finding owls. First, a Christmas decoration that looks a bit like a snowy owl. I wanted to buy a 2021 planner. I found one with an owl on the cover! Finally, at a different store, my mother and I both picked up kitchen towels- more owls!! It was clear that one of my animal totems was close. The owl often appears while I am sending healing or in my dreams with messages. I felt like the owl was letting me know it would be a strong force, guiding me into 2021.

The owl that seems to most be around me is the barn owl. All these owl objects were showing up the weekend of the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali. It occurred to me to check if there was a goddess with a correspondence to barn owls specifically. I found the answer: Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance and prosperity.

I was blown away by this bit of information. The barn owl relies on its hearing very heavily. Owls see in the dark. As we move through periods of uncertainty throughout the globe, to be guided through the dark is a highly positive thing.

Working on our healing can feel like moving through the dark. Sometimes healings feel energizing and uplifting. Other times, healing can take us into the shadows to bring light to those things we'd rather not think about. It takes courage to heal, courage to take a look at the dark and bring in the light.

I began the Fabulous Five monthly healing program in September. This is an exclusive group of five people who would like to focus on their healing and have a guide through the light and the dark. Some healing sessions have felt light and joyous, being joined by countless animal totems. Other sessions have bravely encountered traumas from the past. No matter what comes up for healing, the Divine is there sending love, helping us release the past and lift ourselves to a higher vibration.

The holiday season is often marketed as a time of joy, and it can be. Often, the expectation that we should be happy can amplify any other less-than-happy emotion we may be feeling. We may feel pressured to be in a better mood or feel better about ourselves or our lives. The holidays can be lonely and can bring up sad reminders of the past. I feel like this particular holiday season in particular requires a bit of extra effort in order to make the best of it, especially because of the pandemic.

If you would like some support and comfort from Spirit during this holiday season, the Fabulous Five monthly healing program may be a perfect fit for you. Spirit, your Angels and Guides are always available-- all you have to do is call on them and ask for comfort. They will provide it. If you decide to join the Fabulous Five, more buoyant, supportive energy will be headed your way to support you through this month. Receiving energy healing can feel like being covered in a peaceful, cozy blanket. Through Monday, November 30, I am offering a 25% discount on this package with coupon code BLACKFRIDAY.

Join today. I can be your "Owl!" (My eyes are still kinda big!)

Peace and blessings,


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