Warm greetings!
Last weekend I channeled a beautiful sound healing meditation that is perfect for this Full Moon cycle. It is the first time that I received a meditation specifically for clearing the emotional body. Listen to Cleansing the Emotional Body here.
Many of you who are familiar with my work know that during distance energy healing sessions, I often see Spirit animals. When I was channeling this meditation, two animals joined us for this experience: the dolphin and the orca. We have a few days left in Pisces season. It is a wonderful time to dive deep and clear out old energies.
I hope that you will enjoy the meditation. Use it as many times as you feel guided. It is approximately 20 minutes long. As you listen to the sound of my singing or speaking voice, you will receive Divine healing energy to help you on every level of your Being.
Additionally, linked below is this week's Spirit Message. I was asked to use Tosha Silver's deck, "Divine Abundance." I hope you will find the information helpful!
I love receiving your feedback. If you have questions or comments, email me at martha@lovelightvoice.com.
Many blessings,
P.S. Distance healing appointments are available! Visit my website for my menu of services.